Ukrainian government launches web portal to track use of public funds

Earlier this month the Ministry of Finances of Ukraine launched eData,  a portal to track the use of public funds and “defeat corruption.”

“We are introducing a revolutionary IT platform that will ensure more transparent use of public funds. After completion of the project, all citizens of Ukraine will be able to check the use of the state budget,” said finance minister Natalie Jaresko.

Any citizen will be able to track the transactions performed by all government bodies and enterprises, to identify the receiver of state funds as well as their destination and amount. The information will be updated on a daily basis covering around 1 million of transactions per day.

The eData portal consists of two sections: “Use of Public Funds” and “Transparent Budget.” The first one shows reports on the State Treasury’s transactions and the use of public funds while the second section contains information on the transparency of budgetary procedures.


The portal is currently operating in a test mode with only the State Treasury’s payment transactions available. The tools for public control and analysis of the state budget use will be online soon, according to the authorities.

In November, it is planned to publish and constantly update information on the use of public funds by the state and local budgets, state social insurance bodies and the pension fund.

In January 2016, the information on the public funds use by public and state-owned enterprises will also be made available on the portal.

“Transparent budget,” an information analysis system, will appear on the portal in August 2016.

The data on budget transactions will be published on the following websites: and

Among other notable recent e-government initiatives have been government service portal, launched in July, and a site for electronic petitions, which Ukrainian citizens have been using actively over the past few weeks.

Sources: AIN.UADHRP.ORGMinistry of Finances.

Topics: E-government, Internet, News, Policy making
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