Kidslox, a Ukrainian-British startup which helps parents “control kids’ mobile device time,” won the Startup Battle held in late November in Cherkassy, a city in central Ukraine. The contest was organized by Startup.Network as part of a series of industry events.
The purpose of this app is to put parents in control of their children’s screen time by setting time limits and establishing boundaries for their mobile and tablet device use.
Even though Kidslox has tight links with the UK, the technology has always been developed in Ukraine, which hosts its technological and business development teams. The startup’s CEO, Viktor Yevpak, is a Ukrainian citizen, while its UK-born CTO Fred Cox is a permanent resident in Ukraine, the company’s press service told Ukraine Digital News.
When asked about the pros and cons of running business in Ukraine, the company said: “Running any business in Ukraine comes with its own unique set of challenges. It would be easy to dwell on disadvantages like the instability of the currency, but we prefer to focus on advantages, like the deep pool of technological talent.”
Emphasizing the global dimension of its project, Kidslox says that “problematic child device use is an issue faced by parents in both developed and less developed countries.” The startups already operates in 140 countries through the Google and Apple application stores, with the English-speaking and Japanese markets remaining its mainstay.
Among the startup’s rivals are such projects as Ourpact and Screen Time. Asked about Kidslox’s competitive advantages, the PR service said: “Our fast development speed allows us to release monthly updates to the product where competitors update once in two months or even less often. Our core functions, while similar to theirs, are both more reliable and easier to understand and use due to our acclaimed design and UI, including the (patent pending) three-way-toggle system we’ve used.”
“On top of this, our approach to accomplishing many of the apps features include innovative approaches to technological problems, like an effective non-vpn based content filtering system,” Kidslox added.