Swedfund supports Ukrainian IT SMEs, opens investment office in Kyiv

Demonstrating its commitment to “supporting Ukraine’s resilience and recovery with strategic investments,” Swedish development finance institution Swedfund is opening an investment office in Kyiv.  

Since the war broke out, the organization has supported Ukrainian SMEs in the IT/technology sector, among other sectors. SMEs are key to “boost job creation and increase access to essential goods and services.”  

Swedfund is among the backers of Horizon Capital’s new $350 million PE/VC fund, which invests in Ukraine and Moldova. The fund has also supported public infrastructure projects — from energy, to water, to heating, to waste management — through its ‘Project Accelerator.’

“Development finance institutions such as Swedfund play a key role in Ukraine’s reconstruction and resilience by providing long-term support, taking risks and mobilising private capital,” the institution states. 

Swedfund claims specific experience of “operating in high-risk conflict areas with both investment activities and feasibility studies,” which positions it to “support Ukraine’s recovery and economic resilience.” 

Swedfund is hiring a Head of Investment Office to lead its new office. Click here to learn more.

Topics: International, Finance, Kyiv, News, Policy making, Regions, Venture/Private equity
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